The Dolphin and the Minnow: Week 2 story
Once upon a time, in the deep dark sea, was a dolphin and a minnow. They weren't the greatest of friends, but they could sometimes tolerate each other because they didn't really come across each other that often. The dolphin usually had that look in his eye that he wanted no part of anything, he just wanted to be left alone. The minnow had a different idea. He wanted to annoy him until they got into a fight.
"Looks like you have gained a lot of weight since the last time iv'e seen you." exclaimed the minnow.
"What's your issue today? That's why i'm never interested in talking to you." said the dolphin.
Comments like these continued to go on for days, even weeks, and nothing would ever happen. The minnow would continue his smack talk towards the dolphin, but the dolphin would just swim away like nobody was even talking. The minnow didn't know what else he could do that would annoy the dolphin, so he came up with a new solution.
"Can you meet me at the ship wreck scene tonight at 7pm. I have a surprise waiting for you." said the minnow.
"Sure. I can do that. Shouted the dolphin. "I just need to make sure I can find some food before." "Oh, and what kind of surprise"?
"Don't worry about it, I want you here right at 7 so we can discuss something." said the minnow.
This was the first time in a while the dolphin agreed to meet up with the minnow, especially after all the comments that were coming from the minnow. The time struck 7, and the dolphin was no where to be found. The minnow was frustrated, and was on his last straw. He wanted to kill him. Little did the minnow know he was in for a treat as well. The dolphin shows up after a few minutes, and is shocked at what he sees.
"You came late. Yelled the minnow.
As soon as he made that remark. Thousands and thousands of minnows came rushing out under the ship wreck to attack the dolphin. They eventually killed the dolphin.
"That was my BROTHER" Yelled the dolphin. "NOW IT'S GAME ON!"
Pixbay: Dolphin getting ready to fight back
Author's Note: My story was in some way similar to the Turtle and the Geese. Although in my story they never actually became friends, they stumbled upon each other and death happened in the end.
Bibliography: "The Turtle and the Geese" Ellen C. Babbitt
Hey Nicholas!
ReplyDeleteI really liked your story! I can totally relate to the part where the dolphin has that look where he does not want to deal with or be a part of anything. I finished the story and was amazed at what had happened. I thought they might have begun to tolerate each other. the ending was so unexpected. I could totally see this in a Pixar movie if it was edited for a children audience, like in Finding Nemo. You did a great job, and I was hooked the entire time wondering how the ending would play out. I liked that you kept it entertaining.
Hello Nicholas! I think this is a very creative take on the original story, The Turtle and the Geese. Definitely seems like an underdog victory in this case, minnows are tiny! Granted, there were thousands and thousands of them! I laughed out loud when I read that the minnow was smack talking the dolphin, I thought that was hilarious. Great story!