Feedback Strategies


Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters A Growth Mindset

I enjoyed this because it focuses more on how to mold children's minds into thinking they can accomplish anything. Children's minds are incredibly malleable and the way they are praised can affect what they think of themselves. If a child's mind is fixated on a certain point in life, they may not flourish into their full potential, but if they are pushed down the right path with the right encouragement, they will be able to prosper into someone much better. I like the analogy of a mirror giving feedback in exact reflection without any judgement. Children need to be reassured, encouraged, and uplifted in order to hold a positive self-concept about themselves and have strong self-esteem. If they are not able to have this, it will be harder for children to show off who they really are.

The second article I read was The difference between Praise and Feedback. This article was very interesting to me because the author holds some views that a lot of people may not agree with. For example, it says that parents should praise more on the actual work that went into something a child did, rather than tell them how good their work is. I do think that both are important, but it having boundaries are important for showing a child it is okay to get feedback. The article also says that a parent should not praise their child for every thing that they do because the child may think that in order to be love, they must do chores. It also said that a parent should be constantly expressing their love for their child no matter what they do. I do not think this would be a good parenting strategy. If my parents constantly showered their love on me for everything, I would probably believe that I could get away with whatever I wanted, and become spoiled. It is important to be able to show love and affection to your kids, but that only goes so far.

                                                                          Pixabay: Feedback


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