Topic Brainstorm Project

I think a project topic I would be interested in doing this semester would be "Death stories." These are stories that fascinate me because life and death are the only things that are certain in our lifetime, and we really don't know what exactly happens to us after it. I do not have any previous knowledge pertaining to Indian culture, but reading over the stories have really made me want to dive deeper in the meaning of death. I think I could see myself telling a story in like a short composition.

The second project topic that really caught my interest for the brainstorm assignment would have to be "Food." I really enjoy trying new foods, and allowing myself to branch off of from the usual. This topic really interests me because I love seeing different cultures, and all the different foods they have to offer. I am somewhat familiar with this topic, although I have never been to an Indian restaurant, I would to go and explore their cultural history. I also love to travel so seeing all the foods inspires me to do that same.

The third project topic I would possibly be interested in doing for my project would have to be Festivals and Holidays. This topic is really interesting to me because I love to watch, and hear about all different cultural traditions that go on all around the world. I have seen some movies about how the Indian culture goes about celebrating certain festivals and it is fascinating. This is a topic I could see myself doing.

The last project topic I could see myself doing is Karma. I sometimes wonder if Karma is a real thing or not, but even if it isn't it is still something that interests me. I am familiar with Karma, and how it is a cause and effect act. I don't think there is anything you can do to get it away, and will always be there until the act happens. I am not necessarily sure about how the Indian culture portrays it, but I will be interested to read stories and see their views on it.

                                                                   Pixabay: Indian Food


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